
Showing posts from September, 2019

Day 17

I woke up flatter than the earth (check the science people!) and dragged myself into work not feeling it. What I was feeling was sorry for myself and unmotivated. So i snapped myself out of it. You can usually choose your mood, so I decided to go with driven and productive. I have never had a work day fly by so fast. I nearly missed lunch, which today was a coffee since I was fasting and trying to remain under 400 calories. Came home, lay about, then dragged myself onto the gym treadmill to hit my calorie goal. Calories consumed: 345 Calories burned: 1050 Savings: $40

Day 16

I slept in until 11 am today. Paying for the previous day. 7 beers doesn't sound like a lot to me nowadays but as I approach 40 I suppose my body thinks it is plenty.... Calories consumed 1600: I added 4 beers from last night to todays total to try to pay for them after the fact. Calories burned: 1000 Cash saved $20

Day 15

Totally forgot to post about this day. Normal day, except for the 7 beers..... meep

Day 14

Worked out the legs today, and as I write this I find that they are definitely seizing up. The next 2 days should be sheer and unadulterated agony. Spent the day at home working, bashing my head against something I couldn't make work. I was at the movies with my friend Gloria and a brainwave sort set in so I will bash against it again this weekend. Calories consumed: 1599 (meep) Calories burned: 1100 Discretionary funds: $90

Day 13

Well I smashed it today. And by that, I mean I ate so much I ended up with only 3 calories to spare, but also smashed way past my 1000 calories burned. Much better day today in terms of my head. Also paid off the rest of my afterpay because I wanted to get rid of it, so used some of my discretionary budget wisely. Calories consumed: 1597 Calories burned: 1509 Discretionary budget: $120

Day 12

I hit all my goals, but today still sucked. I got a weird news update about someone (no, i'm not saying who) around lunchtime, and that put me in a pretty terrible mood. I got my work done, but I was super unpleasant the whole time. I am home and over it now, but clearly I need to express my emotions better. Anyhooo..... Calories consumed: 1312 Calories burned: 1000 Money saved: $140

Day 11

Well I wasn't sick this day, so snaps for me! This is the last day before payday, and I have decided to be a little more open with money for this challenge. I was being too harsh with $20 a day, so I will change it up slightly to add a $100 bump on each payday, making my entertainment budget $380 per fortnight instead :) Savings: $20 Calories consumed: 1250 Calories burned: 1000

Day 10

Sucky day as I woke up unwell and spent most of the day in bed. Not going to hit my calories burned, but careful enough with food. calories consumed: 1497

Day 9

After quite the big sleep in, I woke up and made my breakfast and then had a nap. Turns out Sunday really is a good day for a rest. Teddy and I went to an afternoon picnic. Walked from the valley to Kangaroo point and back again, so teddy is wrecked. I am not much better. Too tired to be stressed about the week ahead, so I think a good sleep is the way to go. Calories burned: 1000 Calories consumed: 1570 Savings: $20

Day 8

Happy Brisbane pride. First pride march and I got to carry the official pride flag for Brisbane pride. Well, me and everyone else attending from my work. Was actually really exciting and a tad emotional to attend, but I plan to go again next year too. Oh, and I splurged on a bottle of gin to celebrate. Calories burned: 1000 Calories consumed: on track as of writing. Savings: $0 (oh gin)

Day 7

Well, I made through the work week without having nap and a cry, so I think we can all agree thats a win for anyone. Calories consumed: 1590 Calories burned: 1000 Savings: $60

Day 6

I really need to hit my 1000 calorie goal earlier than 8pm lol. Pretty standard day. Had something happen at work that spiked my anxiety, but I just focused on processing my anxiety and confronting it. In the end, I was having a perfectly acceptable reaction, but I just processed it out faster and moved on instead of dwelling and thinking of scenarios that could happen or how I could have handled it better. So yay for coping mechanisms working. Legs are stiff after yesterday's workout, but manageable. I should be fine for the march on Saturday. Had a work lunch today, but had the most delicious salad of my fucking life. Salad topped with the most tender calamari you can imagine. Calories consumed: 1487 Calories burned: 1029 Discretionary funds: $40

Day 5

Today was the first one that was a struggle. I only got about 4 hours sleep, and according to my sleep tracker it was shiiiiiiitttttyyyyy sleep anyway. But my alarm woke me up at 5:30am, and rather than hitting snooze I got into my gym gear and went to the gym. Leg day... thou art a heartless bitch. Not as bad as the next two days of muscle soreness will be. I just hope that my legs are okay by Saturday for the pride march. I got home from work with 250 calories left to burn, so I got on the treadmill once again, and ran/walked until I hit my target. I could have stayed on and kept going, but honestly I wasn't feeling it, and was just glad to hit my goal. Savings: $9 . I may have to rethink how I am going to afford to have fun with this budget, but I have some ideas around this, since currently I am including transport costs for work in here. Calories consumed: 1373 Calories burned: 1000

Day 4

So, had to travel to (eek!) the southside today for work. During lunch, I walked around the shopping centre and wandered into a book store. Back when I was a young warthog, I read a lot. Voraciously. Nowadays, I get distracted and just watch youtube or netflix. But I really miss getting absorbed into a good book, so I am using this challenge as a chance to not only try new things, but go back to old things I miss too. Had an unexpected expense pop up which has wiped out my savings (boo) but that's what happens when you forget about a bill. Savings: $0 (boo) Calories consumed: 1295 Calories burned: 1050

Day 3

First day back at work today on the challenge. Also my first day back in the office for two weeks after helping out in a side role. I woke up with my calf muscles screaming at me. It seems pushing barrow loads of mud up a hill tend to put some strain on under-prepared muscles. Who knew? Woke up at 6:30 and set of to the gym for a morning chest workout, then headed home. That was when the nosebleed struck. Haven't had one of those in years and it was pretty annoying, but not that heavy. Work was an absolute fucking struggle today. I just didn't have much energy, but I still got everything done I needed to, and only needed one coffee to survive. Discretionary funds: $40 Calories: 1380 Calories burned: 1000

Day 2

Today I went to volunteer with my friend Paul at Wildlife HQ on the sunshine coast. I have started the sugar withdrawal headache, so that fresh hell was with me most of the day making me a grumpy bitch, but I pushed through it. Usually when there I do quite a lot, but today we just had a light day and then fed the animals. Check out my instagram for the shot of me hand feeding a red panda. Afterwards, I went to the beach and paddled around a bit. Honestly, other than the headache it was a pretty good day, but I only just hit my calorie goal at about 8:30pm. The food situation was easy today, and I didn't spend a cent! Total calories burned: 1000 Calories consumed: 1435 Savings: $20

Day 1

So I didn't necessarily pick the best first day to start, but all in all not too bad. Today was a little celebration down at Manly to celebrate my mother's retirement. Congrats Vicki on finally being free of the daily grind. We all went to Tide cafe, and in preparation, I skipped breakfast entirely to ensure I had the calories free to make sure I didn't go over on the first day. I also budgeted $80 for the entire day, because $20 was not going to cut it. So really I added $60 on day one as a freebie. Had a pretty good nicoise salad and some arancini balls.... oh and three beers and 2 gin and tonics. Walking back to the train station was actually a little bit of a struggle after that to be honest and I had trouble walking in a straight line. Then again when it comes to anything about me being straight that's always a fucking impossibility anyway really. I got home, plonked myself on the couch and checked my activity. 500/1000 calories. Fuck. So I did what any

The Challenge rules and why

100 day challenge So, originally, I was thinking to myself “How about I do a challenge for 100 days of fitness?”. The thing is, I’ve sort of done that before. Ive done smaller challenges, with great intentions, and always fallen off the rails about halfway through. The one challenge that I set myself that I followed through on was 21 days of activity. I challenged myself to be active every day for 21 days, because 21 days is the minimum needed to embed a new behaviour. I did it. I was so proud of myself. And then a week later I looked at my week and I had barely done anything since. I hadn’t embedded the new behaviour I was trying to. I had just looked at 21 days and thought that was all I needed to change from being a couch potato to the fabulously fit person I wanted to be. It didn’t work. I think that the reason is that I saw it as just 1 thing. 1 thing I could fix and everything would be okay. 1 thing and everything else would just fall into place. That was